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What’s at Stake?

Hiruma Yabu gazed out the window of his sitting room at Lone Candle Keep. The Daimyo of Ienikaeru Province watched pairs of boisterous future Hiruma samurai engaged in kenjutsu practice and smiled. The young boys and girls stood in attack stance, carrying out the same basic strike, over and over again, under the watchful eye of Sensei Katarangi, head sensei of the Hiruma Bushi school at the First Strike Dojo. It was a rather bright day by Shadowlands standards and the precisely shaven head of Katarangi gleamed in the hazy sunlight. The Sensei corrected the students firmly, not wasting any words, ensuring that no samurai would leave his school without perfect katana technique.

Ordinarily, Hiruma Bushi trained at Daylight Castle, but Yabu had a reason for this “field trip.” He thought that the students would enjoy a break from the dark underground corridors of Shiro Hiruma. But an outing wasn’t his primary motivation. He was expecting quite a famous visitor and was looking forward to seeing what the visitor would do under his carefully orchestrated experiment. The visitor was playing a game with him and he was going to be an active participant.

*   *   *

Sensei Katarangi heard a fan snap quietly shut in the Keep. None of the students noticed this, but they were not master scouts.

He instructed the students, “Keep at your drills. Lord Yabu requires my assistance. I will return.”

Katarangi walked from the training grounds up the circular path towards the entrance of the Keep. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he approached the two enormous guards stationed at the beginning of the path to the keep.

“Report!” he said.

They replied, “large, armored Bushi approaching the training grounds, Sama!”

He responded, “Threat level?”

The two young bushi stared at each other.

Katarangi demanded, “Well?!”

“We don’t know, Sama!”

“See to it then!” he commanded.

And as they did, he entered the keep, climbed the stairs one flight, and veered left, waving down more guards in exasperation as he joined Yabu in his sitting room.

Yabu looked at him and said, “took you long enough.”

Katarangi mumbled something faintly insulting under his breath that sounded like “Zakennayo!”

Yabu chuckled.

*   *   *

Lord Yabu and Sensei Katarangi watched as Hiruma Beito and Hiruma Tanako rushed down to the path leading to the training grounds. Unaware of their lord’s plan, the older students were on high alert.

Seeing the rapid action of the two older students, the younger trainees stopped their sparring and gripped their wooden bokken, assuming that a threat approached. It wasn’t as common for Shadowlands creatures to attack Lone Candle Keep as Shiro Hiruma, but it still happened with alarming frequency.

Yabu and Katarangi had a perfect view from higher ground. They saw the guards approach the figure who walked slowly up the path. At first, the guards seemed ready to spring to combat, but then the word “Daisuke” rang out almost like a battle cry. The two guards bowed low, but not low enough to be unseemly.

As soon as word got out, the younger students started running at full speed towards the commotion. In a matter of seconds, all of the younger students arrived behind the guards, who were still bowing, so they got a glimpse of Hiruma Daisuke in full Kaiu armor, wearing his the famed Kaiu Blade Hensho at his side. Another shout went up, “Daisuke Sama!!!”

“Daisuke! Banzai! Daisuke! Banzai!...”

One of the younger boys got too close and his hand briefly grazed the saya of Hensho. The boy pulled himself back immediately, realizing that he had committed a grave offense. He immediately prostrated himself on the ground, fully expecting to be slain on the spot.

A moment passed and no one said everything. Seconds ticked by as the sun reflected off the lacquered hilt of the blade. Yabu wondered if numerous missions had robbed one of his greatest protégés of his compassion.

Another moment passed. Dozens of enthusiastic smiles disappeared, replaced by narrow lines of fear… dozens of smiles except for one. As if he could not hold it back any longer, Daisuke burst into a explosion of infectious laughter.

Like a blessed air kami, a wave of tension swept from the plane of the training grounds to be replaced by fits of young laughter.

In his baritone voice, Daisuke barked, “Mira San, Waka San, please help Goren San up.”

“Yes Daisuke Sama!” they replied, and they did as he bid.

Goren got to his feet and brushed the dust off of his training gi. He had a familiar look about him, despite his bright red face.

“Goren San,” Daisuke said. “You wouldn’t happen to be the younger brother of a former classmate of mine?”

An enormous smile shot to Goren’s face. “Yes, Daisuke Sama. Mori Sama is my older brother. He has told me many stories of your valor.”

Daisuke knelt down, “Goren San. I imagine that you are quite expert in weapons if you are anything like your brother.”

Daisuke stood back up. Goren replied, “Thank you Daisuke Sama. I think Mori Sama is much better than me with many weapons, but I am the better archer.”

Daisuke replied with a smile, “I know for a fact that on the wall, archers are always in short supply and high demand.”

Goren beamed, “Daisuke Sama, is it true that Hida O-Ushi Dono herself gave…”

At that, Lord Yabu interceded, “thank you Goren San. The exploits of Daisuke San are legendary at our school. But I’m sure Daisuke San is quite tired from his long trip and would like to rest a bit.”

*   *   *

Daisuke was escorted by Beito and Tanako into the Keep, where he was taken to one of the guest rooms. Tanako said, “Daisuke Sama. Yabu Dono has instructed me to inform you that once you are refreshed, you are to meet him and Sensei Sama in his sitting room in one hour.”

Daisuke nodded and the two students departed. He was amused at how Lord Yabu had managed to indicate that Daisuke could come at his leisure, but that he should also be there in an hour, both in the same message. He had to remind himself that he was dealing with a samurai every bit as shrewd in the ways of politics as any Yasuki or Doji courtier. For Lord Yabu to manage the supply needs and manpower issues of the Ienikaeru province, he had to be skilled indeed. As he washed the dust of the road off, he prepared what he was going to say for two of the men he trusted most in the world.

*   *   *

Daisuke entered Lord Yabu’s sitting room. Among other clans, it might have been customary for a samurai to remove his arms and armor in the presence of his lord, but among the Crab this was not the case. And in this particular case, Daisuke wanted to make it clear that his equipment marked him as a warrior of great renown among the Crab and the other clans.

He bowed low, touching his head to the floor. This would not have been something he would have done if was in Shiro Hiruma, seeing Lord Yabu every day, but he had been away from his liege for many months, so he felt that formality was warranted.

Lord Yabu spoke, “Please Daisuke San. Rise and stand before me. I would look on one of the finest young warriors my province has produced.”

Daisuke stood to his full and considerable height, exulting in the praise of his Daimyo. Noticing his Sensei, he bowed deeply, though without prostrating himself.

Yabu spoke again, “Please Daisuke San, sit with us and tell us of your journeys. Stories of your victories in battle and your diplomatic successes have traveled far, but we would like to hear more. I’ve received glowing praise and commendations from all over the empire. There are dignitaries sending me letters of such station that even I am not used to speaking with them, and yet you, who are a humble Bushi have earned their regard. The Daimyo of the Miya said that you saved her life. The Imperial Cartographer said that you were instrumental in one of his explorations. The Imperial Herald spoke volumes of your diplomatic prowess in court. The Seppun were glowing when they described how incredible you were in battling against creatures of darkness. More than one emerald magistrate has commended you for assistance in their pursuit of the Emperor’s justice. I was particularly impressed by a letter bearing Akodo Ginawa’s seal that said that says ‘the Akodo thank Hiruma Daisuke for aiding them in a time of great need.’”

Lord Yabu continued, “But even more significant was the praise you’ve received within our Clan’s provinces. During your time among the Hida recently, you were given the highest praise. The Captain of the Guard said that you instrumental in maintaining the security of the entire Hida castle. What did you to impress him!? You also seem to have curried favor with Hida O-Ushi Dono herself! I know you have always been strong with a bow, but apparently you defeated one of the wall’s greatest archers in shooting competition.”

Daisuke responded, “To be honest, Sama, I have spent most of my time recently focusing on the sword. I think Hiruma Sama just hit a bad patch of wind.”

Lord Yabu laughed, “Regardless, our Champion gave you quite a gift, from what I’ve heard. That is no small thing. She has taken notice of you, which means that your fortune is on the rise.

Daisuke blushed.

Yabu continued, “So I have indeed heard bits and pieces of your efforts, but we would like to hear it directly from you.”

Daisuke responded, “I’m not sure where to begin, my Lord. You’ve sent me on many important missions.”

Yabu smiled and replied, “So I have. Why don’t we start with something recent. How about your excursion into the Crane lands? How did that go? It’s not every day that a Crane Daimyo contacts me, gushing about one of my samurai. The letter he wrote me was most… peculiar.”

*   *   *

“As you know, I was hoping to find out more about the feelings of the Crane concerning the conflicts during the summer. It did not look promising for me from the moment I arrived. The Daimyo and his family gave me extremely cold looks. I thought it might simply have been my clan, but Yasuki San was not given the same treatment and if anyone would have been given the cold shoulder in crane lands, it would have been him. Regardless, there were a number of contests held during the court. I made a fair showing in a dueling contest, though you know that this is not one of my greatest strengths – something I intend to rectify. I won the poetry contest. The object was to complete the last line of a famous poem with which I was, luckily, familiar. I decided that this was a good opportunity to test Crane intentions, so I completed the poem with the following words: A dawn of healing.”

Daisuke stopped. Katarangi was immersed in the story, like a child around a campfire. He continued.

“Needless to say, the Crane fans were fluttering with abandon. They weren’t sure what to make of this: a Crab Bushi professing peace, suggesting healing. It flew in the face of everything they imagined. This was of course, exactly what I wanted them to think.”

Yabu interrupted Daisuke, “Were you actually sincere about your implications of peace?”

Daisuke responded, “Absolutely. As Crab, we don’t have time to play war with the Crane. Our real duty lies on the wall and the sooner we can convince them to stop bothering us, the faster we can redirect troops we desperately need. As distasteful as I sometimes find the Crane, it is necessary to put aside feelings to do one’s duty… at least most of the time…”

Daisuke shared a knowing smile with Yabu and Katarangi, and then continued, “Of course I did not imply, at any point, that I considered the Crane’s war efforts to be paltry and insignificant. After all, they do represent a significant hindrance in the Yasuki lands, and I would not insult our coastal brethren by minimizing their difficulties.”

Lord Yabu seemed satisfied, “Please continue, Daisuke San.”

“The Doji Daimyo then called a drinking contest. He sought to evaluate our knowledge, not our stamina, but it was sake, so who was I to complain. We were about to begin when it occurred to me that I should ask permission before using the cup given to me by Hida O-Ushi Dono. After such a gift, I could not use any other cup, but it seemed only proper to mention it to the Daimyo.”

Daisuke paused for a moment. Yabu and Katarangi nodded at his assertion.

“The Crane Daimyo was immediately impressed by the cup and agreed without a second thought. He had an interest sake and everything related to it. But then the unthinkable happened. A Doji courtier asked why I was using my own cup. He implied that I thought my host’s cups were poisoned.”

Daisuke paused for dramatic effect. Katarangi gasped. Yabu was listening in rapt attention.

“I responded, ‘Why should I not use this cup? It was a gift to me from my Clan Champion, Hida O-Ushi Dono herself and is a Crab Clan artifact. To not use this cup, whenever drinking sake, would be an insult to the honor of the Crab and to my Daimyo. I would be forsaking my duty.’”

Daisuke paused again to let his words sink in. Katarangi was nodding emphatically and Yabu also nodded.

Daisuke continued, “The Daimyo seemed convinced by this and responded, ‘Of course Hiruma San. No one would question the Crab in their duty.’ But the Doji courtier was not satisfied. He insisted, ‘Is it not like cheating to bring your own cup. Perhaps it will aid you in winning the contest.’ He looked to the Daimyo, ‘You cannot allow this to go on, Doji Sama. Hiruma San would have an unfair advantage over all of the rest of us, who would be using the same cups in the competition. Gift or not, that cup has no place in an honorable and fair competition.’”

Sensei Katarangi fell out of his seat. Lord Yabu turned red with anger. Daisuke paused for several moments to let the insult sink in.

Daisuke continued, “The Daimyo considered for a few moments and then replied, ‘I believe Doji San has a point, Hiruma San. It would be unfair of you to use the Sake cup, however sacred it may be.’”

Katarangi had just sat back down, but with that he gripped the hilt of his katana. Lord Yabu caught a glint in Daisuke’s eyes and knew that there was more to this story.

Daisuke’s voice became more urgent, “I stared first at the Doji courtier and then at the Crane Daimyo and replied, ‘Apparently, Sama, it is the practice of the Doji family to question the Crab Clan in their duty and their honor. And furthermore, it seems the Doji also question the honor of the Crab Clan Champion and her ancestors. If these are standard practices among members of your family, I will have nothing to do with such a dishonorable contest.‘“

“Then, staring at the Doji Courtier, I spat, ‘Poison.’”

“Before anyone had a chance to say anything, I turned abruptly and stalked out of the room, leaving both Doji red-faced and tongue-tied.”

Daisuke looked up to his two esteemed hosts, as if ready for questions. Sensei Katarangi was absolutely dumbfounded. Lord Yabu, however, realized that both he and Katarangi had played right into Daisuke’s hands.

*   *   *

After Daisuke concluded his tale, Lord Yabu asked, “I assume that there is more to your story than two Doji and a massive breach of etiquette.”

Daisuke smiled, “Indeed you are correct, Yabu Sama.”

He continued, “Later that evening, a servant came to my quarters, prostrating himself as if expecting that I might kill him. The servant was clearly terrified of me, but did his duty to the best of his ability, ‘Daisuke Sama. Doji Sama bids that whenever is most convenient for you, if it’s not too much trouble, when you find the time, if you have no other pressing matters, if it suits your fancy, if you feel up for it, you might consider having tea with him… at your earliest convenience.’”

Lord Yabu and Sensei Katarangi laughed uproariously.

Daisuke waited and then continued, “I responded to the servant, ‘Tell Doji Sama that I appreciate his offer and will have tea with him in one hour.’ The servant scampered off like his life was at stake.”

“Exactly one hour and five minutes later, I arrived at Doji Sama’s quarters. The same servant escorted me in. I found Doji Sama sitting in a chair preparing tea. His face was as white as his hair and his hands were trembling. He immediately stood when I arrived.”

“Daisuke Sama, I am so glad you found the time to meet with me.”

“I said nothing. He began what was quite an elaborate tea ceremony, but his hands were shaking so hard that it was unclear if he would be able to carry it out. Seeing his difficulties, I took control of the situation, such that by the end, it was clear that I was the one who had performed the ceremony, not him.”

“Throughout the ceremony, Doji Sama would look up at my face, but never meet my eyes. This was perhaps why the tea ceremony was so difficult for him. I kept my eyes at the exact level where his should have been the entire time.”

“As soon as was appropriate, I began to speak, something that traditionally would have been the role of the host. Clearly I had become the host in this exchange and it was for me to dictate the terms of the engagement.”

“I said, ‘I want you to know, Doji Sama, that nothing that has happened here tonight has in any way changed how I or those I represent feel about peace between our clans. We are still committed to ending the conflict that started over the summer and returning our lands where they belong.’”

Daisuke paused for a moment. Even Katarangi understood the political implications of his words.

He continued, “Those words were like letting some of the air out of a balloon that was inflated until just before the point where it would pop. Doji Sama let out a sigh of relief that would have made his own courtiers gasp.”

“He immediately brought up his fan to hide his deflated appearance, ‘Thank you Daisuke Sama! I had worried… but you know I had thought… well you know… I am just so glad you feel as we do.’”

“Doji Sama reached into his desk for something I could not see and came back up with a Sake bottle. I like sake as much if not more than the average Crab, but even I could tell that the bottle was incredibly rare. Doji Sama held it out before him in a gesture of gift giving and spoke, ‘Daisuke Sama. You must accept this humble gift, a mere half a bottle of Bayushi’s Lament, as a token of our province’s commitment to peace between Crab and Crane.’”

“I responded, ‘As much as peace is the foremost thing on my mind, I could not possibly accept such a noble gift, clearly one of the rarest in your collection.’”

“Doji Sama winced as he responded, ‘it is nothing compared to the glory that will be bestowed upon your name when our clans seal their peace in eternal brotherhood.’”

“I replied, ‘but no gift is necessary from one who is so clearly committed to allowing his brothers to return to do their duty where they are most needed.”

“Doji Sama stammered, as if he was afraid I might actually refuse, ‘Pppleassse accept this gift as the first sign that all will be allowed to attend to their duty where they are most needed.’”

“I replied, ‘How could I refuse.’”

*   *   *

Lord Yabu watched as Daisuke finished his story. While he let no hint of his feelings show on his face, inwardly, he was beaming with pride at how his protégé had handled the situation with the Crane. Not many Hiruma Bushi could turn a near catastrophe with two Doji courtiers into a major step towards peace between two clans.

“And that was all there was to my time with the Crane. There was a minor misunderstanding over a sake cup, and I like to think there was a major breakthrough when it comes to Crab-Crane relations.”

Rather than looking at Daisuke to comment on what he said, Lord Yabu looked out the window. The students were still practicing their drills as he expected, but he wanted to speak to Daisuke alone.

“Sensei San,” Yabu said, “I think you’re students have been without you too long. Perhaps they need some correction.”

Katarangi recognized the polite form of dismissal that was Yabu’s way, but he wished to say something, “Daisuke San, if you wouldn’t mind giving the students a demonstration later, I’m sure they would be honored.”

Daisuke responded, “It would be my honor, Sensei Sama,” and it was the most sincere thing he had said all day.

After Katarangi left, Lord Yabu took a long and appraising look at his student. Daisuke did not flinch from his gaze, though he did not stare back in a disrespectful manner.

Yabu spoke, “You are not the same wet-behind-the-ears boy who left my school three years ago. By the Kami, Daisuke, you have been everywhere.”

Daisuke replied, “I wouldn’t have had those opportunities, Sama, if you didn’t have faith in my abilities.”

Yabu replied, “You are aware that I know what you are doing.”

“What I’m doing, Sama” Daisuke replied, “innocently.”

Lord Yabu continued, “You hit me over the head with recommendations from all over the empire and from all sorts of important people. The story you told shows mastery of not only your court skills in the face of other clans, but also in the face of your own clan. It’s one thing to be able to convince a Crane that your honor and the honor of everyone up the ladder of your clan has been besmirched, but it’s another thing to have grizzled Hiruma veterans eating out of the palm of your hand.”

Daisuke shrugged his shoulders, “I suppose you saw through my lack of subtlety.”

“Lack of subtlety! You could have sent Katarangi charging on a horse into Crane lands with one more comment about O-Ushi Dono’s honor. You have plenty of subtlety. Have you been spending a lot of time with the Yasuki?”

Daisuke responded, “I try to learn wherever I can.”

Yabu replied, his voice gentle, “As you should. So let’s cut through the silk threads. We are not Yasuki, after all. Why the recommendations? Why the story, not that I don’t appreciate Crane getting their fans handed to them?”

Daisuke smiled, “Recently, I’ve felt like my words and actions in court and on missions have been successful, but would have made even more of an impact if they had been backed up by my station. I don’t deny that I am well-known throughout the empire. Fame is great for recognition, but an imperial messenger’s words and deeds are worth more when it comes to testimony or rank than are my own. I believe that at this point, given all that I have done, I need to be of a higher station to truly achieve the aims the clan sets before me, and that you set before me. The challenges will only become greater and what’s at stake will only increase.”

Yabu nodded, responding, “And at what sort of station do you see yourself?”

Daisuke replied, “Of course, that would up to you. You could choose to recommend or employ me at some higher level in the Crab clan, or perhaps give your “blessing” to a position as an Imperial or Emerald Magistrate. I’m sure whatever you do would add weight to my words and deeds when I carry out the orders that our clan gives me and that you give me.”

Lord Yabu nodded, “I will think on this and let you know my decision.”