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Revision as of 14:43, 29 August 2013

The air was silent. There wasn't even a breeze to stir the leaves of the vast trees, their ever-present whispering stilled in the oppressive heat of the afternoon. A young girl sat beneath the branches, just as still and silent, her shoulders rising and falling nearly imperceptibly with every breath.

Suddenly, a wind went whipping through the leaves, tossing them against each other and making the branches of the great trees creak and groan. The girl's hair, a vivid red like the pelt of a fox, was tossed across her face – tangling and knotting and dragging her out of her placid state. A chuckle sounded from off to the side as a man seemed almost to materialize from the shadows, walking among the trees until he stood over the girl and leaned against the tree she was sitting below. The girl looked up, blowing her hair out of her eyes and frowning.

“You lost him again.” The man commented casually.

“They don't hear me, Sensei! How can anyone get them to listen when their attentions waver after only a minute?” The girl ran a hand through her hair, wincing as her fingers encountered the fresh tangles, and began putting it to rights again.

“Do not despair little one, you'll get it some day. I remember when I was learning how to talk to the Air Kami.” The man chuckled and rubbed absently at the side of his face, a gesture he made often enough that it made the girl smile.

“Was it very difficult for you, Sensei?”

“Very. Though it did teach me a couple things very quickly that I don't know I would have learned otherwise.”

“What was that?” She asked demurely, but also with a glint of curiosity and fascination burning in her eyes.

“Patience. The ability to laugh at myself. A greater understanding of the ways of the Universe. And to keep my hair braided.” He chuckled as she made a face, still trying to get the knots out of her own hair. “Come, little fox. Let's get you back to your Father's house. I think that you have done enough for today and some time to think on this lesson will do you good.”

The girl rose, dusting off her clothing. She fell into step behind the man as they both wove their way through the forest paths – tracing the steps of animals and the natural openings between the trees. “Grandfather?” She said after a few minutes.

The man smiled. “Yes, Sata?”

“Did my Father have the same trouble with the Air Kami?” Sata asked, voice brimming with curiosity.

Her Grandfather laughed. “That he did, little fox! You should ask him about it some time – especially about the time that he ended up in the river!”

“He ended up in the river?!”

“Your Grandmother was cross with me for letting it happen, but it taught him to be more aware of his surroundings very quickly. Plus, it was humorous. Being a little wet was bad for nothing but his pride... and your Grandmother's temper, since she had just finished the washing.”

Sata laughed with her Grandfather most of the way back to the house.