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"And Sanzo, what have you learned on your travels?" Xing Guo asked his nephew.

"I have learned much," Sanzo replied. "I spoke to a wood block painter who made art for the masses, rather than focusing on a single piece that might be called a masterpiece. Despite how common her work might be, she takes great pride in it. She is very highly regarded."

"And I spoke to a swordsmith that had grown bored with his work. He thought so highly of his skill that he considered making swords for others of his station to be trivial. Only a very few have ever heard of this fool, and they know him as things other than a smith."

"And what did that teach you?" the old sensei asks while stroking his chin.

Full of confidence, Sanzo replies, "A woman who takes great pride in her work is considered great, where a man who takes great pride in his skill is considered a fool. I should take more pride from my work rather than my skill, as I am not yet so great that I can afford to think that I am the best."

Xing Guo stares blankly for a moment. "You've actually learned some humility?"

"I'm still going to be the best. I just understand how much further I have to go," Sanzo answers, unfazed by his sensei's words.

"No, you see a stream where you should see a river." A smile crosses the old man's face. "But, it's a start. Perhaps you are ready for another lesson before you depart again."