Shinjo Rana

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Shinjo Rana
Iuchi Shugenja
Clan: Unicorn Clan
Daimyo: Shinjo Keiji
'Glory: • • • • •
Honor: • • • • • •

Shinjo Rana is a woman whom many mistake for a Moto in Court.

Although her dress would go unremarked upon in Unicorn lands, it is distinctly influenced by gaijin fashion. Uncomfortable in the highly ritualized social life of Rokugan, she often appears stiff with formality. Those willing to navigate her reserve are put-off when they draw close enough to notice the mark of ill-omen in the form of a ring encircling her left iris. Despite her awkwardness (and to her dismay) she manages to comport herself well enough to receive the occasional assignment as a representative of her Clan.

In truth, the shugenja is happiest in the field, far away from the politics that are the lifeblood of the Empire. She often travels in the company of Shinjo Nergui and Moto Batugan (before his death) outside of Unicorn lands. Amongst her own kin, she's more at ease and willing to display the compassion her Family is so well-known for.


Rana was the second child and first daughter of Shinjo Kenichi and Iuchi Hana. Her latent ability to speak with the kami was discovered after a riding accident and found the girl apprenticed to an aunt in Iuchi lands after her seventh birthday. Several years later, she completed her gempukku without incident and with enough distinction that her sensei recommended she join the retinue of one of two daimyos; Utaku Ruri and Shinjo Keiji. She visited both courts and eventually chose to swear herself to Shinjo Keiji's service, though she left Ruri's court with a friend in Moto Batugan.

Recent Exploits

The shugenja was a part of the assault on the city of Balishnimpur in the Ivory Kingdom. She was amongst the group who took and secured the gate against the enemy reinforcements sent to rout the invading samurai. Upon her return to the Empire, she aided her delegation and Otomo Mitsuhide in promoting and establishing the new Imperial Courier service.

Player Information

  • Player: Fei Leung
  • Modules Played: SoB 00-08, 10, 13-15, B3, Int11b