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City of the Rich Frog - Summer, 1141

The city feels like it is holding its breath.

That was Kitsuki Ketsumei’s first thought as he passed through the gates into Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru. The crowds in the marketplace on this side of the city were subdued, only going through the motions it seemed.

The Dragon Clan courtier knew it wasn’t just the denizens of the City of the Rich Frog that felt this way: all of Rokugan had its collective mind in the Ivory Kingdoms. Nearly a month ago, Ketsumei watched many of the finest bushi and shugenja in the Empire set sail from Otosan Uchi to launch a preemptive strike against gaijin that were planning on invading Rokugan. Many friends were on those ships, including one person in particular...

Ketsumei forced the thoughts from his mind, focusing on one of his favorite quotes from the Tao instead: Distraction breeds disaster. They were samurai, doing their duty as ordered by the Empress. He also was a samurai, with his own duty to perform. His place was not with them, but instead here in Rokugan.

And more importantly, he was currently being watched.

He knew someone had been focusing on him since he arrived in the city, but he could not ascertain whom or from where yet. Maybe this was just paranoia, but he was somehow certain it wasn’t. Considering he had made an enemy out of arguably the most powerful man in Rokugan, the courtier knew there was no such thing as being too cautious…

A pair of Machi-Kanshisha moved past the Dragon as he slowly glanced over the merchant stalls… at least that is the impression Ketsumei was outwardly giving. He used their passing to quickly change direction. Well, let’s see how good they really are...

“He’s on to us,” Kaeru Sudano remarked from his place by the window after watching the courtier duck into and out of various merchant stalls seeming at random for nearly an hour. “I told you you were underestimating him.”

“Damn Kitsuki.” Kaeru Todori sighed. “Perhaps you were right. There is a first time for everything after all.” Sudano snorted at that comment before his yojimbo continued. “So what have your divinations told you?”

Sudano exhaled slowly. “This Dragon is a strange one… strange even for a Dragon. The air kami swirl around him like he was wearing a cloak, however he’s not a shugenja.” Sudano closed his eyes, as if trying to get his words in the proper order. “That is what makes it very unusual. Air kami are flighty, normally uninterested in our affairs. However wherever he is, they move to him of their own volition. It feels like they are watching him, as if waiting for him to do something.”

“So you found nothing useful.” Todori said dismissively. We don’t have time for mumbo-jumbo he thought as he rocked back in his cushion and looked at a scroll on the table in front of him. “Do you know what that is?”

Sudano nodded, trying to ignore the seal on it. “Hai, it is trouble.”

“Very astute of you my friend,” Todori said in agreement. The letter was a not-so-subtle reminder of how the Kaeru Family of ronin became the Frog Clan. It was because Hantei Okecheo made it so. All of the Dragon Clan had drawn the ire of the Regent, although with this Kitsuki it is something more. Something personal.

What the Regent wanted was information on Ketsumei, something to exploit when the time was right. Something that would destroy the courtier utterly. However they found nothing except some swirling air kami. To say Okecheo would not be pleased was an understatement.

“We keep looking,” Todori said resolutely. The thought of possibly gaining the ire of the Regent was more than enough motivation not to fail.

“And so,” Ketsumei continued, “that is why we are all here. While our cousins protect us from outside threats, we will work to strengthen the Empire on the inside. So that when they return home, it will be to a land worthy of the sacrifices they make in our defense.”

Some of those in attendance looked at the Dragon with new eyes, not nearly as dismissive as at the start of the event yesterday. The rest turned their attention to the Scorpion who Ketsumei was addressing. Even with his entire face covered by an ornate silk mask, the corners of his eyes wavered slightly. Clearly he was not expecting the Dragon to take this angle of attack: instead of trying to validate a Minor Clan hosting a conference on commerce, Ketsumei was highlighting the positives of courtiers from all the clans gathered in one place for a common purpose.

The Soshi bowed deeply to the Kitsuki, not wanting to risk alienating a sizable portion of those here. “Hai, that is a good reason for all of us to be here. We are of course one Empire, united under our Empress. May her reign be just like her father’s.”

The few fans that had started to close snapped back open. That last statement could be taken in any number of ways. A cunning snare. Not rising to take the bait, Ketsumei bowed in return. “Hai, may the reign of our Empress be a shining example of what Rokugan can achieve when unified under one honorable voice”

His response got a few nods of approval. None from the Owls in attendance of course. Ketsumei mused. Even if the courtier had not recently joined the Nightingales, the Owls had more than enough reason to dislike him. Something else not to dwell on…

“I wanted to thank you personally for your attendance this two weeks Kitsuki-san,” Kaeru Nikaru said as his servants set tea between the two men. “Commerce and trade is not something most samurai like to dwell on, yet it is what drives Rokugan. If not for how you handled that Scorpion, the entire conference could of fallen apart without accomplishing anything.”

“I was just doing my duty Kaeru-sama,” Ketsumei said as he reached for the cup in front of him. “Now more than ever, the Empire needs to stand united in the face of an external threat.” He took a sip, savoring the unfamiliar blend: light with a hint of sweetness, before continuing his discussion with his host. “Also, the Dragon Clan has always felt welcome here, and I am glad to repay that generosity however I can.”

Kaeru Nikaru smiled. “Your clan has always been fair with us, even when we were ronin. I hope that the Dragon will continue to have dealings in our fair city.”

“I can assure you of that my lord,” Ketsumei said. “Even with our expansion into the Dragon’s Heart Plain, we have not forgotten the rest of the Empire. Our business will be here as long as you continue to welcome it.”

His response drew a nod from the Champion of the Frog Clan. Internally, Ketsumei felt a sense of relief. That was one of the main reasons he was here: to ensure that the City of the Rich Frog remained open to the Dragon. After the Kaeru family were elevated to a Minor Clan by the Regent, some feared that he would use his influence to pressure the Frog to cut ties with the Dragon, who has given him almost no support at all.

Still, it wasn’t wise to become complacent either. Despite the adherence to tradition and honor, Rokugani politics was often a world of what have you done for me lately. So… “Since I am already here, I just wanted to inform you that one of our newest caravans will be arriving in two days time. I expect the traders will receive as warm of a welcome as I have,” Ketsumei said with the hint of a smile.

He watched the Kaeru lord calculate mentally when said caravan would of have had left Dragon lands to arrive so soon. His response was heart-felt laughter. “Since you are not due to leave the city until tomorrow, please be my guest for dinner. I have someone I think you would like to meet...”

“If Nikaru-sama finds out we’ll both be hanged,” Sudano said to Todori pointedly.

Todori looked at his friend with weary eyes. “If it saves our clan from the wrath of the Regent, I will accept such a punishment gladly. Besides the Dragon seems to like his new betrothed…”

“Until he figures out we are using her to spy on him for Okecheo,” Sudano said simply. “Our Champion would not approve of treating an honored guest like this.”

“That’s why we didn’t tell him!” Todori snapped before sagging to the floor. “What else would you have me do? He was in the city nearly a month and we have nothing on him! At least by doing this, we can placate the Regent for a little while.”

“But why my sister? Why Sayuri?” Sudano seemed to be pleading now. “She is an innocent soul...”

“Enough!” Todori screamed. “This is not about you, me, or her. This is about the survival of our family, and our clan.”

Sudano sighed, then nodded weakly.