Ide Xiao Xi

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Ide Xiao Xi
Iuchi Shugenja
Clan: Unicorn Clan
Daimyo: Iuchi Emiko
Glory: 9.6
Honor: 7.3
Status: 2.4
Rank: 2
Player: Chris Damour


Father Ide Ludan, Mother Ide (Iuchi) Ume

Trained at the Gatherer of the Wind Dojo. He is a tall, muscular young man who always appears open and happy. He dresses in rich clothing, carries his scroll satchel always and is rarely seen without his Ono.

Height: 191 cm 6'3” Weight: 90 kg 198 lbs

Modules Played

SoB00 - SoB07
SoB09, SoB11, SoB13 - SoB15
SoB17 - SoB24
SoB27, SoB28, SoB?? (Hope in Shadows)

Courts Attended

Int6a Raising the Imperial Standard

  • Earned "Toshiken's Recommendation"

Int 6b Defense of the Realm